Wednesday, 24 June 2015

What is Leaky Gut and How Do You Cure It?

The question that I frequently come across on the internet lately is, “What is leaky gut and how do you cure it?” I am going to use this article to discuss this topic and show you a permanent and natural cure for leaky gut syndrome. If you follow the health tips and protocol recommended in this blog post, you should be able to cure leaky gut fast without any problem.

What is Leaky Gut and How Do You Cure It?

It is simply a health disorder of the gut whereby the lining of the intestines are inflamed, damaged and “leaky.” In other words, the tight junctions between the cells of the intestinal walls have been abnormally or forcefully opened up and become separated to the extent of allowing undigested food particles and pathogens which are harmful to the body to enter into the blood stream.

A healthy gut will only allow beneficial nutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc from the food we eat to pass through the lining of the intestines into the bloodstream where it will be delivered to the individual cells and tissues of the body for absorption. On the other hand, an unhealthy gut will allow beneficial nutrients and harmful bacteria, parasitic agents, viruses, fungi, etc to find their way into the blood system which is not good for your health.

While it is possible for your immune system to fight off these “foreign invaders” that are trying to occupy your healthy body, there is bound to be a huge problem sooner or later. The simple reason is this. The immune response which is supposed to fight of these bad bacteria, overgrowth of yeast and candida in the gut, and so on, may end up attacking its own tissues thereby triggering food allergies and other ailments.

What you can do to heal a leaky gut syndrome and get your gut health back and better is to follow a realistic and natural leaky gut cure program that has been very effective for lots of people all over the world who have successfully followed the protocol as is.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Although majority of other chronic health disorders may share similar symptoms, you can identify typical symptoms of leaky gut syndrome with the following list.
  • Chronic fatigue and depression
  • Constant constipation
  • Abdominal bloating and joint pain
  • Food allergies or intolerance
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Weight gain
  • Migraine headaches
  • Skin problems e.g. rosacea and acne
  • Etc

Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Basically, you should know that some health conditions are hereditary while others can be caused by the type of foods we eat or the liquids we drink on a daily basis. The truth is that your gut health is the most single daily task which you should strive to achieve every day of your life or that of your wards. This is because if your gut is inflamed and damaged, your whole body will be sick; no doubt about that. This is the reason why autoimmune diseases are highly traceable to intestinal permeability.    

Intestinal permeability is a subject that came to the front burner lately as the major cause of health disorders which is made popular by complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. It has been discovered that leaky gut syndrome is one of the major causes of autoimmune conditions such as celiac disease, thyroid disease, Crohn’s disease, and so on.

The major causes of leaky gut syndrome include:
  • Chronic stress conditions
  • Toxins overload or overgrowth of yeast and candida in the digestive system
  • Poor diet or malnutrition
  • Gut flora imbalance
  • Overuse of drugs especially antibiotics
  • Not-easy-to-digest food particles such as gluten
  • Etc

How Do You Cure It?

Curing increased intestinal permeability permanently should come as a habit because it boils down to eating the right foods, changing your current lifestyle and doing regular exercises. For instance, you have to avoid the use of alcohol because of the chemical components in its preparation which is proven to destroy the gut flora in no small ways.

If you really want to cure your intestinal permeability fast, the leaky gut cure book is an excellent guide that will walk you through the 4-step process of naturally healing your gut for good.  

Saturday, 20 June 2015

How to Cure Leaky Gut Fast Through Natural Methods

Before I discuss how to cure leaky gut fast through natural methods, let me quickly ask you a question. Do you know that leaky gut syndrome (LGS) is a depressing medical condition which a lot of people all over the world suffer from without really realizing it? LGS can be said to be the mother of all autoimmune disorders that plague the human race on a daily basis. The truth is that if you can heal your leaky gut syndrome, you will be amazed how fast you can reclaim your overall health for good.  

In this short guide, you will learn a lot of facts about this ignoble health condition and you can use the information to get your health back using natural treatment steps recommended in this text. With that said, let’s get started.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome which is also known as increased intestinal permeability is a condition or disorder of the gut as a result of inflammation of the lining of the small intestines. As you may already know, the gut comprises the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum and the anus.

When you eat food, it passes from the mouth to your stomach where foods are digested. After the food is digested in the stomach, it is taken to the small intestines where the nutrients that are derived from the food are absorbed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream.

It is from the bloodstream that the nutrients in the form of minerals, amino acids, fats, vitamins, etc, are delivered to individual cells, tissues and organs for the survival of the body. Problems arise when the intestinal walls where the nutrients are supposed to pass through to the bloodstream become “leaky.” 

In other words, other than the nutrients that the body needs, the leaky intestinal walls will also become permeable to all manners of unwanted and bad bacteria, viruses, parasites and other pathogens. When these pathogens are able to gain access into the cells and tissues of the body, it becomes harmful if your immune system cannot successfully repel and attack them to a standstill.

A Brief Note on Immune System

The immune system is a group of cells, tissues and organs of the body which help your body to ward off, attack and destroy foreign invaders such as bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and so on. The gut accounts for 70 to 80 percent of the body’s immune system. This means if you have an unhealthy gut, there is high chance for you to feel that something is wrong with you most of the time.

In order to heal a leaky gut, you have to take a number of steps. First and foremost, you have to leaky gut test in order to establish that intestinal permeability actually exists in your gut. Secondly, you have to take a close look at your diet. The foods you consume on a daily basis can make or mar your health generally. There are lots of foods that contain properties which are really not beneficial to your body and health especially the so-called gluten.

For instance, if you have downloaded and read through the low glycemic and gluten free food list cookbook, you should be able to cook healthy diets and free yourself from gluten-laden foods which are dangerous to your health in the long run. Good and healthy body depends largely on alkaline rich rather than gluten prone foods especially for diabetes, Crohn’s or celiac diseases sufferers.

It is very important that you take your immune system and gut health seriously because they are the real foundation of a sound body and mind. Since the gut accounts for about 70 to 80 percent of the body’s immune system, you can see the reason why you have to be mindful of what you eat and drink on a constant basis.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Even before you conduct any lab test, you can determine if you are experiencing the following typical symptoms of leaky gut syndrome i.e. chronic fatigue and depression, autoimmune disorders, constipation, abdominal bloating, joint pain, food allergies, slow metabolism, etc.  These are pointers that LGS exists.

What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Some of the well-known causes of leaky gut syndrome include poor diet, undigested food particles, chronic stress, fungi, viruses, toxins overload, pathogens, drugs especially the overuse of antibiotics, bacterial imbalance, and so on and so forth.

When the above agents are able to find their way into the digestive system, they can become harmful especially if your immune system is weak. As it were, a weak immune system cannot successfully ward off or destroy the “foreign invaders” before they unleash terror to the cells and tissues of the body.  

So, in order to maintain one hundred percent gut health and heal your increased intestinal permeability, you may have to subscribe to Karen Brimeyer’s Leaky Gut Cure program in addition to the health tips shared in this guide. The 4-step process discussed in her book is all what you need on how to cure leaky gut fast.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

A Simple Cure for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Do you know that constant use of conventional drugs and supplements is not a permanent cure for leaky gut syndrome (LGS)? Are you aware that a simple leaky gut cure program is all you need to naturally and holistically get rid of your LGS? This blog post lays a solid foundation for you to learn how to heal a leaky gut without resorting to a regime of western medicine and supplements which are hardly effective in treating the disorder.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut
First and foremost, do you have any challenges with your health generally? There is every possibility that the root of your health problems is leaky gut syndrome. When you have gut health problem, the chances of other diseases cropping up in your life is inevitable. The common symptoms of leaky gut syndrome are continuous constipation, chronic fatigue, abdominal bloating and pains, serious autoimmune diseases, just to mention a few.

If you are already having increased intestinal permeability problem, eating the right types of foods will not be enough to cure it permanently. In addition to what you will discover from the leaky gut cure program by Karen Brimeyer, you can start off your healing process right away by eating the right foods, modifying your current lifestyle and diet, detoxifying your body with supplements and exercising as well.

The basic effect of exercise is to help you to work out toxins from the body tissues and relieve you from constipation. Exercising for about 30 minutes or more is certainly not a bad idea for someone who is looking forward to healing a leaky gut naturally and permanently. But if you are short of time, you can still exercise your body for just 20 or 10 minutes and be fine.

One of the most effective ways to heal a leaky gut is to avoid foods that your body's immune system attacks. By keeping food journal, it is easy to know the trigger foods which aggravate your intestinal permeability. With this information, I believe you should not find it difficult to eliminate the trigger foods from your diet and improve your gut health for good.

The most comprehensive and natural cure for leaky gut syndrome can be found on this web page where you are walked through the 4-step process for the treatment of leaky gut. First, it is important you know the causes of leaky gut syndrome and avoid them so that you can improve your health. Some of the causes include constant consumption of alcohol, poor diet, presence of bad bacteria in the gut, and so on.

In summary, if you are earnestly searching for comprehensive cure for leaky gut ebook or guide, simply click on the above link to download it.