Sunday, 20 December 2015

How to Treat a Leaky Gut Naturally

A good quality of life is definitely, to a large extent, a function of a good gut health. According to Hippocrates, “All disease begins in the gut.” This is really true if you come to think of the digestive system as one of the most important organs of the body. It is the home of about 80 percent of the body’s immune cells. So, if anything goes wrong with your gut, many health conditions will start cropping up especially the autoimmune diseases.

To this end, you must know how to treat a leaky gut naturally if your desire is to live life to the fullest. Because we are regularly exposed to pathogenic bacteria and toxins on a daily basis, there is every tendency of encountering health challenges as we grow. A lot of autoimmune disorders are spin off of increased intestinal permeability such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid disease, and so forth.

The first step you have to take in order to start treating increased intestinal permeability is to order leaky gut test in case you are not sure of your specific health disorder. Thereafter, you should be able to make up your mind to avoid trigger foods and start eating foods for leaky gut healing. Eating the right diet/food, making current lifestyle changes and detoxifying the body with supplements, exercising and sweating are some of the ways to get your health and life back.

Although treating leaky gut syndrome goes beyond eating the right foods, changing current lifestyle, exercising and taking supplements, it is the best way to get yourself on track in healing your health condition. Also, you have to make sure that there is no parasitic activity in your gut when trying to heal it.

You have to avoid foods that your immune system attacks. This means you have to keep a simple food journal and study the things that trigger negative reactions in your body system when you eat them. The most common causes of leaky gut syndrome include alcohol, overgrowth of yeast and bacteria in the bowel, overuse of antibiotics and NSAIDs, poor diet, undigested food particles, compromised intestinal mucosa, difficult-to-digest proteins such as gluten, infections, sugar, GMOs, lectins and phytates, overload of toxins in the body tissues, chronic stress and depression, etc.

The common protocol on how to treat a leaky gut include removing foods that are capable of inflaming and damaging your gut, replacing it with healing foods such as fresh meat, fruits and vegetables, repairing your impaired digestive system with leaky gut supplements and finally re-balancing with good probiotics supplements 2 to 3 times per week.

You should always eat fermented foods because they are rich in probiotics and try as much as possible to avoid cured or processed meats. Essentially, probiotics are good and live bacteria and yeasts that help to re-balance the gut flora for optimal health. As you may already know, parasitic activity in the body and constant antibiotic usage can cause loss of good bacteria. You can read my leaky gut cure review to learn more about how to treat a leaky gut naturally, holistically and permanently.

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