Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Leaky Gut Syndrome May Be at the Root of Your Chronic Illness

Let me ask you this question, “Do you know that leaky gut syndrome may be at the root of your chronic illness if any?” If you visit a number of online health forums and communities, you will appreciate what I am writing about on this web page. Increased intestinal permeability which is the medical term for this health condition is indeed taking a heavy toll of people’s health worldwide.

Unfortunately, only few conventional medicine practitioners are actually giving the deserved attention to leaky gut disorder because they say there is no scientific evidence to back it up that leaky gut syndrome really exists! But as you read further here, you will discover that it is a digestive system problem that you need to cure.

Even if you have not ordered lab test to confirm if you are a sufferer of the health condition, you may know of a family member or friend who may have complained of the signs and symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. The truth is that you can improve your overall health by simply following holistic and natural gut permeability treatment guide in addition to the health tips I will share in this blog post.

In this text, you will understand what intestinal dysbiosis is and how to heal a leaky gut naturally and quickly by following simple but effective leaky gut diet plan, getting regular exercises and making lifestyle modifications. This will improve your gut health and general health as well. What you may not know is that if you have a good gut health, it means you will have good digestion. In other words, your digestive system is functioning properly. But there is a big digestive problem lurking around the corner if your digestive tract is irritated, inflamed, damaged and porous.

What is a Leaky Gut Syndrome?

To put it simply, leaky gut syndrome is a health disorder of the lining of the digestive tract which makes it semi-permeable more than is normal. This impairment of the intestinal lining will make it possible for undigested food proteins and fat, viruses, fungi, toxins, chemicals, germs and other pathogens to find their way into the bloodstream from the small intestine. In a good gut health this is not possible at all because the lining of the intestinal wall serves as barrier function to block out pathogens that are harmful to the body and are not wanted.

The mucosal lining of the digestive tract is naturally designed to serve as barrier function against harmful pathogens and allergens from entering into the bloodstream. But when the mucosal lining has been compromised, it will become hyper-permeable thereby allowing toxins to destroy your cells, tissues and organs of the body.

In simple terms, the food and liquid you eat and drink on a daily basis go from the mouth down to the stomach through the pharynx and esophagus. The main digestion of the food takes place in the stomach where the food is broken down into soluble form for easy absorption into the bloodstream from the small intestine.

As you eat and drink every day, you are constantly exposed to pathogens that are capable of wreaking havoc on your digestive system’s health.  It simply means that the mucosal lining of your digestive tract may become irritated and inflamed, thereby finding it difficult to function properly as a barrier against the allergens and pathogens from gaining entrance into the bloodstream.

The truth is that if the tight junctions on the intestinal wall are open, you are bound to contend with myriad of chronic illnesses including autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, just to mention a few.

This is because your immune system will start reacting to foods you eat that it suspects are foreign invaders.  This is when food allergy sets in and it may become a Herculean task for you to overcome in your quest to heal yourself of any chronic illness which you may have been trying to cure permanently.

A lot of former patients and sufferers of different types of chronic illnesses have openly testified that the secret to their newfound vibrant health singly lies with first healing leaky gut syndrome naturally and holistically. It is simply a case of saying it is easy to cure a disease if its cause is known. And the best of it all is that leaky gut syndrome cure is not out of reach of every common man or woman on the planet earth.

It is not more than the following process.

First, exclude foods from your diet that you suspect are causing irritation and inflammation of the mucosal lining of your digestive system. Taking this step will not worsen your condition when you start a typical leaky gut protocol.   

Second, heal your leaky gut by constantly eating organic foods instead of the so-called “healthy foods” found in health food stores that are everything but healthy!   

Third, use leaky gut supplements and other nutritional supplements recommended in Karen Brimeyer’s leaky gut book to get fast relief from your health condition. For example, taking probiotic supplements will rebalance and replenish the live and friendly bacteria in your gut flora. The idea is to increase the number of good bacteria and kill the bad bacteria so that you can balance the gut flora again.

Fourth, make some simple but specific lifestyle changes which will increase your chances of healing leaky gut syndrome naturally in a matter of weeks. For instance, you have to avoid alcohol intake, and get regular but light exercise.

Sixth, restore and strengthen your immune system health which is the bulwark of your body’s ability to fight off foreign invaders. Foreign invaders are pathogens or germs such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, toxins, chemicals, etc which are harmful to the body if they get into the bloodstream.

As you can imagine, leaky gut syndrome may be at the root of your chronic illness if you investigate it closely. If you can heal and seal your gut as well as restore your immune system function, you will be amazed how your overall health will be in top gear. Majority of people who cannot put a finger on their chronic illnesses but decided to follow the simple leaky gut syndrome treatment guide have recuperated faster than they can imagine.

The amazing thing is that if you know how to treat leaky gut syndrome naturally, your immune system health will be improved by leaps and bounds. This is because 60 to 80 percent of our body’s immune cells reside in the gut. To learn more about leaky gut syndrome treatment click here now

Thursday, 24 September 2015

What to Do for Extreme Gas Pains and Smelly Farts Cure

You will discover what to do for extreme gas pains and smelly farts cure in this foul smelling flatulence guide. Relieving gas pain in stomach can go a long way to restore your overall health. There are different types of digestive problems and some of these health conditions share the same signs and symptoms. But more often than not, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, digestive motility, bowel blockage, etc are the bane of excessive flatulence and extreme gas pain in stomach.

This is how it all begins. When you swallow air or undigested food gets to the colon, production of intestinal gas starts to take place. While it is quite normal and natural to produce intestinal gas which you will release through belching and/or expelling it as flatus through the rectum, you may experience persistent wind pain if it continually builds up in the intestine without you expelling it from the mouth (belching) or rectum (flatulence).

Constipation, diarrhea and bloating are the most common digestive disorders that can cause excessive intestinal gas to get trapped in your digestive tract for a period of time longer than necessary. And the corollary to these health conditions can be sharp gas pains. What it portends is that the bacteria in the large intestine are having a field-day fermenting and putrefying the undigested food in the colon thereby producing bad smelling wind.

This is when you start releasing bad smelling flatulence from the rectum that is stinky, pungent and malodorous when you or people around you sniff it. In this kind of situation, you are bound to pass severe smelly gas as your gut health has been compromised. In case you are presently battling with extreme gas pain, it is advisable you go through the Ultimate Flatulence Cure system. It shows you how to cure smelly farts and forestall any underlying chronic illness in your digestive system if any which you may not be aware of as of now.

I am saying this because something may be potentially and medically wrong with your digestive system if you are having constant, acute, intense, chronic or severe smelly wind. If you are thinking of what to do for bad gas pains , here are few valuable health tips which can help you immediately.
Firstly, what out for foods and drinks that builds excessive intestinal gas any time you eat them. You may eliminate or reduce the consumption of these gas-producing foods and evaluate your symptoms. You will be amazed how much better you will feel by doing this simple diet elimination system by keeping food journal or diary.  

Secondly, don’t eat food too fast and always chew thoroughly before swallowing. When you eat slowly, it will help you to minimize or avoid excessive intestinal gas and bloating building up in your system.

Thirdly, you have to cut back on the consumption of gluten, beans, vegetables, etc .These foods are well-known triggers that cause excessive gas and gas pain.

Fourthly, use activated charcoal to reduce extreme gas pain in stomach. Activated charcoal is the processed and refined charcoal which is quite different from the normal charcoal for grilling. It goes through the digestive tract absorbing parasites, toxins and gas. But you have to be aware that you will excrete black stools in the process which should be a harmless side effect.  

Fifthly, cut back on dairy products if lactose intolerance is an issue for you and your health.

These are some of the natural health tips on what to do for extreme gas pains. You can download and read the comprehensive guide on flatulence cure and relieving gas pain in stomach written by Joseph Arnold. It is a well-researched ebook on the subject of how to cure flatulence, bloating, constipation, stomach cramps, and so on. You will discover real and proven cure for excessive gas problems and the natural secrets to living gas free life.

Friday, 18 September 2015

How to Avoid Smelly Farts and Feel Better Always

In this text, you will discover health tips on how to avoid smelly farts and feel better always. You can also download the Ultimate Flatulence Cure ebook to learn more about excessive intestinal gas, bloating, cramps, burping, etc and how to prevent them. If you suffer from really smelly farts frequently, you will appreciate how embarrassing, distressing and shameful it can be as the culprit. You can be socially isolated a great deal of time just to avoid constant embarrassment and disgrace flatulence brings to you.

Although farting is a normal bodily function, it will become worrisome if it is excessive, foul-smelling, frequent and uncontrollable for a person suffering from this anomaly. It will even be worse if it is a sign or symptom of an underlying disease or health condition which is not full blown. To this end, it is important you learn how to avoid smelly farts by following specific steps discussed in the smelly farts cure ebook.  

Naturally, intestinal gas can be released through burping and flatulence. Burping happens from the mouth while flatulence occurs from the rectum. Passing gas from the rectum and burping from the mouth are natural occurrences which you should not be so worried about under normal condition. But there is a big challenge if you notice that you constantly expel smelly flatus uncontrollably. More often than not, this can easily be associated with digestive disorders.

Some of the digestive system disorders that you can quickly relate with flatulence include celiac disease, gastroparesis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), lactose intolerance, and so on. On the strength of this fact, the earlier you get rid of flatulence for good, the better for your overall health. A lot of people don’t understand why it is very important to nip any health disorder in the bud before it degenerates into chronic illness. In other words, a stitch in time saves nine.

Apart from the embarrassment and awkward laughter that really smelly farts can cause amongst people of all ages, the frequent and uncontrollable passing of wind from the anus can be a sign of serious underlying disease as I mentioned before.

Smelly Flatulence Causes and Cure

I will briefly list smelly flatulence causes and cure below for your perusal. But you can also download the flatulence guide which I have referenced above because it clearly shows you how to get rid of smelly gas naturally, holistically and quickly.

First and foremost, you can easily cause smelly flatulence by eating foods and drinks that cause excessive intestinal gas such as eggs, beans, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, indigestible carbohydrates, and so forth. Some of these foods are high in soluble fiber.   

Basically, intestinal gas is mainly caused by the volume of air we swallow and as a by-product of digestion in the colon i.e. large intestine. You can swallow air through the following ways:

-During normal eating and drinking,
-When you drink lots of carbonated beverages,
-When you chew gum,
-When you smoke,
-When you use straw to drink liquid,
-When you eat or drink quickly and hastily,
-You will swallow air frequently when you have allergies, heartburn or sinus infections,  
-When you cannot digest certain foods normally e.g. dairy products, carbohydrates, etc,
-Bacteria action in your intestines i.e. breakdown of undigested food that gets to the large intestine,

How to Cure Smelly Farts Naturally

There are avalanche of natural health tips available online on how to cure smelly farts quickly. But what you should understand is that every person is different. What works for you may not work for the other person. Basically, natural treatments of flatulence is all about changing your diet and following specific steps to get rid of smelly farts as compiled by Joseph Arnold from his extensive research on the topic.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

How to Repair Leaky Gut Naturally and Reclaim Your Gut Health

Before I go into finer details on how to repair leaky gut naturally and reclaim your gut health for good, I want you to understand some basic facts about digestive problems generally. Digestive disorders are so many to list in a single article of this kind and most of them share the same symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. If you make the decision to heal your gut today, you will be surprised how fast your overall health will improve significantly.

It was not until recently that increased intestinal permeability came to the fore mainly from the school of complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners. Although Hippocrates said it over 2,000 years ago that “all disease begins in the gut,” conventional medicine practitioners took the health disorder with a pinch of salt because they claimed that there is no scientific evidence to back it up.

If you have been a leaky gut sufferer who has successfully treated this condition, you should know better. Everyone is getting more and more informed and aware about improving ones quality of life by simply repairing leaky gut. This is a secret you have to look into closely if you have been grappling with every health condition without finding permanent treatment or solution.

One can say that the digestive system is the main engine of the human body because if anything goes wrong with it, the human body function is stalled from cells to tissues and to organs of the body. The digestive system is also connected to the brain and it can start sending poor signals to it anytime there are gastrointestinal problems coming up.

This is why leaky gut problem is a serious health disorder which everyone should not overlook and you can apply some of the health tips recommended in this blog post to repair, heal and treat your gut leak naturally and permanently.

What is Leaky Gut?

First and foremost, I guess that not a lot of people are familiar with what leaky gut is; but I will briefly explain it as much as I can for you in this text. It is simply a health disorder whereby your digestive tract is irritated, inflamed and damaged as a result of one or more factors which I will outline shortly.

The digestive tract is naturally designed much like a close-knit sieve that only allows nutrients, vitamins and minerals in absorbable form which the body needs to function properly to pass through it into the bloodstream while it blocks out unwanted pathogens. It is from the bloodstream that the nutrients are deposited in the respective cells, tissues and organs of the body for use.

But there will be a leaky gut problem if the wall of the small intestine is also allowing undigested food proteins and particles, chemicals, toxic waste, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc into the bloodstream thereby causing immune system response or allergic reaction of some kinds. This can spell doom for the digestive system health because food allergy will definitely set in sooner or later when you eat specific types of foods.

In the final part of this article, you will discover how to repair leaky gut naturally, quickly, holistically and permanently. Meanwhile, here is the first line of natural treatments to help you get rid of intestinal permeability. You should also enroll in the Leaky Gut Cure program which is very comprehensive enough to teach you how to heal a leaky gut and you will have a personal coach who is ready to guide you in following the leaky gut protocol so that you can achieve complete healing on time.

What are the Symptoms of Leaky Gut?

You can use the following list of leaky gut syndrome symptoms to determine if you are suffering from this health condition. Like I said earlier, the under listed signs of leaky gut syndrome may be shared with other digestive problems but intestinal dysbiosis is at the root of all of them.

Here is the list of symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

-Chronic fatigue syndrome
-Excessive gas and bloating problems
-Low energy
-Skin issues e.g. eczema, acne, rosacea, etc
-Abdominal pain and discomfort
-Achy joint and muscles
-Slow metabolism
-Food allergies
-Thyroid disease
-Autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, etc
-Weight gain
-Migraine headaches
-Chronic stress, depression, anxiety, etc (mood disorders generally)
-Excessive runny nose

How to Know if You Have Leaky Gut

There are few ways to know if you have leaky gut syndrome and I will briefly discuss them in this part of the blog post. First of all, you have to know your trigger foods that irritate the gut by being watchful of what you eat and drink.

Because gut dysbiosis is mainly caused by irritation, inflammation and damage to the digestive tract by pathogens, allergens, toxic waste, etc, you can use elimination diet to determine if your health disorder is real. You can do this successfully by keeping food journal or diary and avoiding foods that you suspect is causing you discomfort anytime you eat them. It is not difficult to do if you have the discipline and patience to avoid trigger foods such as gluten.

You can also use leaky gut syndrome test to find out if you have leaky gut. Depending on the health care professional you are working with, there are different lab tests you can carry out in this regard. Karen Brimeyer discussed two important leaky gut test to include intestinal permeability test and intestinal barrier function test.

The main idea behind the examination and lab testing is to confirm that leaky gut do exist in the first place and then start the healing process by simply removing common food allergies from your diet. This is how to treat leaky gut naturally for a start.

As you will discover soon, it is far cheaper to follow the Leaky Gut Cure program plus using the gut healing supplements to quickly improve your health than the cost of taking the lab test. You should not forget that good gut health is vital to anyone who craves for a sound body and mind. Now that you are aware how to know if you have leaky gut, let’s go over the general steps to heal leaky gut naturally and fast.

How to Repair Leaky Gut Naturally and Fast

If you go through the Leaky Gut Cure by Karen Brimeyer, you will discover that there is no stone left unturned on how to repair leaky gut naturally. However, the main prerequisites for you to successfully heal leaky gut naturally are patience and discipline. This is because the protocol, steps and processes involved in the natural treatments revolve around removing and avoiding specific foods from your diet that are suspected to aggravate your health disorder, eating the right foods that heal your gut fast, doing light exercises, using leaky gut supplements for quick relief such as l-glutamine and probiotics.

L-glutamine is an important amino acid for proper good gut health function and immune system health. Probiotics, on the other side of the spectrum, can improve the friendly bacteria in your gut and you can find it in some foods such as kefir or yogurt and by ingestion through dietary supplements. Essentially, probiotics will help you to increase nutrients absorption and enhance good digestion.

No matter what Standard American Diet says about healthy foods you can eat, you should be able to study and examine your body chemistry to know what is good for your health. For majority of people mostly patients with autoimmune disorders and diseases, food allergy is a big issue to look out for. What it means is that gluten-containing grains should be avoided like a plague in your diet.    

You have to try as much as you can to avoid processed or refined foods because it contains additives, preservatives, chemicals, etc that are harmful and unhealthy to the body. To this effect, it is important that you take extra care to always read food labels to make sure you are not purchasing the so-called “healthy foods” and then filling and damaging your gut health faster than you can imagine. In addition, I shared some tips on immediate relief for leaky gut and you can read it to learn more on how to repair leaky gut naturally and quickly.