Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Leaky Gut Syndrome May Be at the Root of Your Chronic Illness

Let me ask you this question, “Do you know that leaky gut syndrome may be at the root of your chronic illness if any?” If you visit a number of online health forums and communities, you will appreciate what I am writing about on this web page. Increased intestinal permeability which is the medical term for this health condition is indeed taking a heavy toll of people’s health worldwide.

Unfortunately, only few conventional medicine practitioners are actually giving the deserved attention to leaky gut disorder because they say there is no scientific evidence to back it up that leaky gut syndrome really exists! But as you read further here, you will discover that it is a digestive system problem that you need to cure.

Even if you have not ordered lab test to confirm if you are a sufferer of the health condition, you may know of a family member or friend who may have complained of the signs and symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. The truth is that you can improve your overall health by simply following holistic and natural gut permeability treatment guide in addition to the health tips I will share in this blog post.

In this text, you will understand what intestinal dysbiosis is and how to heal a leaky gut naturally and quickly by following simple but effective leaky gut diet plan, getting regular exercises and making lifestyle modifications. This will improve your gut health and general health as well. What you may not know is that if you have a good gut health, it means you will have good digestion. In other words, your digestive system is functioning properly. But there is a big digestive problem lurking around the corner if your digestive tract is irritated, inflamed, damaged and porous.

What is a Leaky Gut Syndrome?

To put it simply, leaky gut syndrome is a health disorder of the lining of the digestive tract which makes it semi-permeable more than is normal. This impairment of the intestinal lining will make it possible for undigested food proteins and fat, viruses, fungi, toxins, chemicals, germs and other pathogens to find their way into the bloodstream from the small intestine. In a good gut health this is not possible at all because the lining of the intestinal wall serves as barrier function to block out pathogens that are harmful to the body and are not wanted.

The mucosal lining of the digestive tract is naturally designed to serve as barrier function against harmful pathogens and allergens from entering into the bloodstream. But when the mucosal lining has been compromised, it will become hyper-permeable thereby allowing toxins to destroy your cells, tissues and organs of the body.

In simple terms, the food and liquid you eat and drink on a daily basis go from the mouth down to the stomach through the pharynx and esophagus. The main digestion of the food takes place in the stomach where the food is broken down into soluble form for easy absorption into the bloodstream from the small intestine.

As you eat and drink every day, you are constantly exposed to pathogens that are capable of wreaking havoc on your digestive system’s health.  It simply means that the mucosal lining of your digestive tract may become irritated and inflamed, thereby finding it difficult to function properly as a barrier against the allergens and pathogens from gaining entrance into the bloodstream.

The truth is that if the tight junctions on the intestinal wall are open, you are bound to contend with myriad of chronic illnesses including autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, just to mention a few.

This is because your immune system will start reacting to foods you eat that it suspects are foreign invaders.  This is when food allergy sets in and it may become a Herculean task for you to overcome in your quest to heal yourself of any chronic illness which you may have been trying to cure permanently.

A lot of former patients and sufferers of different types of chronic illnesses have openly testified that the secret to their newfound vibrant health singly lies with first healing leaky gut syndrome naturally and holistically. It is simply a case of saying it is easy to cure a disease if its cause is known. And the best of it all is that leaky gut syndrome cure is not out of reach of every common man or woman on the planet earth.

It is not more than the following process.

First, exclude foods from your diet that you suspect are causing irritation and inflammation of the mucosal lining of your digestive system. Taking this step will not worsen your condition when you start a typical leaky gut protocol.   

Second, heal your leaky gut by constantly eating organic foods instead of the so-called “healthy foods” found in health food stores that are everything but healthy!   

Third, use leaky gut supplements and other nutritional supplements recommended in Karen Brimeyer’s leaky gut book to get fast relief from your health condition. For example, taking probiotic supplements will rebalance and replenish the live and friendly bacteria in your gut flora. The idea is to increase the number of good bacteria and kill the bad bacteria so that you can balance the gut flora again.

Fourth, make some simple but specific lifestyle changes which will increase your chances of healing leaky gut syndrome naturally in a matter of weeks. For instance, you have to avoid alcohol intake, and get regular but light exercise.

Sixth, restore and strengthen your immune system health which is the bulwark of your body’s ability to fight off foreign invaders. Foreign invaders are pathogens or germs such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, toxins, chemicals, etc which are harmful to the body if they get into the bloodstream.

As you can imagine, leaky gut syndrome may be at the root of your chronic illness if you investigate it closely. If you can heal and seal your gut as well as restore your immune system function, you will be amazed how your overall health will be in top gear. Majority of people who cannot put a finger on their chronic illnesses but decided to follow the simple leaky gut syndrome treatment guide have recuperated faster than they can imagine.

The amazing thing is that if you know how to treat leaky gut syndrome naturally, your immune system health will be improved by leaps and bounds. This is because 60 to 80 percent of our body’s immune cells reside in the gut. To learn more about leaky gut syndrome treatment click here now

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