Sunday, 6 September 2015

How to Repair Leaky Gut Naturally and Reclaim Your Gut Health

Before I go into finer details on how to repair leaky gut naturally and reclaim your gut health for good, I want you to understand some basic facts about digestive problems generally. Digestive disorders are so many to list in a single article of this kind and most of them share the same symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. If you make the decision to heal your gut today, you will be surprised how fast your overall health will improve significantly.

It was not until recently that increased intestinal permeability came to the fore mainly from the school of complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners. Although Hippocrates said it over 2,000 years ago that “all disease begins in the gut,” conventional medicine practitioners took the health disorder with a pinch of salt because they claimed that there is no scientific evidence to back it up.

If you have been a leaky gut sufferer who has successfully treated this condition, you should know better. Everyone is getting more and more informed and aware about improving ones quality of life by simply repairing leaky gut. This is a secret you have to look into closely if you have been grappling with every health condition without finding permanent treatment or solution.

One can say that the digestive system is the main engine of the human body because if anything goes wrong with it, the human body function is stalled from cells to tissues and to organs of the body. The digestive system is also connected to the brain and it can start sending poor signals to it anytime there are gastrointestinal problems coming up.

This is why leaky gut problem is a serious health disorder which everyone should not overlook and you can apply some of the health tips recommended in this blog post to repair, heal and treat your gut leak naturally and permanently.

What is Leaky Gut?

First and foremost, I guess that not a lot of people are familiar with what leaky gut is; but I will briefly explain it as much as I can for you in this text. It is simply a health disorder whereby your digestive tract is irritated, inflamed and damaged as a result of one or more factors which I will outline shortly.

The digestive tract is naturally designed much like a close-knit sieve that only allows nutrients, vitamins and minerals in absorbable form which the body needs to function properly to pass through it into the bloodstream while it blocks out unwanted pathogens. It is from the bloodstream that the nutrients are deposited in the respective cells, tissues and organs of the body for use.

But there will be a leaky gut problem if the wall of the small intestine is also allowing undigested food proteins and particles, chemicals, toxic waste, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc into the bloodstream thereby causing immune system response or allergic reaction of some kinds. This can spell doom for the digestive system health because food allergy will definitely set in sooner or later when you eat specific types of foods.

In the final part of this article, you will discover how to repair leaky gut naturally, quickly, holistically and permanently. Meanwhile, here is the first line of natural treatments to help you get rid of intestinal permeability. You should also enroll in the Leaky Gut Cure program which is very comprehensive enough to teach you how to heal a leaky gut and you will have a personal coach who is ready to guide you in following the leaky gut protocol so that you can achieve complete healing on time.

What are the Symptoms of Leaky Gut?

You can use the following list of leaky gut syndrome symptoms to determine if you are suffering from this health condition. Like I said earlier, the under listed signs of leaky gut syndrome may be shared with other digestive problems but intestinal dysbiosis is at the root of all of them.

Here is the list of symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

-Chronic fatigue syndrome
-Excessive gas and bloating problems
-Low energy
-Skin issues e.g. eczema, acne, rosacea, etc
-Abdominal pain and discomfort
-Achy joint and muscles
-Slow metabolism
-Food allergies
-Thyroid disease
-Autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, etc
-Weight gain
-Migraine headaches
-Chronic stress, depression, anxiety, etc (mood disorders generally)
-Excessive runny nose

How to Know if You Have Leaky Gut

There are few ways to know if you have leaky gut syndrome and I will briefly discuss them in this part of the blog post. First of all, you have to know your trigger foods that irritate the gut by being watchful of what you eat and drink.

Because gut dysbiosis is mainly caused by irritation, inflammation and damage to the digestive tract by pathogens, allergens, toxic waste, etc, you can use elimination diet to determine if your health disorder is real. You can do this successfully by keeping food journal or diary and avoiding foods that you suspect is causing you discomfort anytime you eat them. It is not difficult to do if you have the discipline and patience to avoid trigger foods such as gluten.

You can also use leaky gut syndrome test to find out if you have leaky gut. Depending on the health care professional you are working with, there are different lab tests you can carry out in this regard. Karen Brimeyer discussed two important leaky gut test to include intestinal permeability test and intestinal barrier function test.

The main idea behind the examination and lab testing is to confirm that leaky gut do exist in the first place and then start the healing process by simply removing common food allergies from your diet. This is how to treat leaky gut naturally for a start.

As you will discover soon, it is far cheaper to follow the Leaky Gut Cure program plus using the gut healing supplements to quickly improve your health than the cost of taking the lab test. You should not forget that good gut health is vital to anyone who craves for a sound body and mind. Now that you are aware how to know if you have leaky gut, let’s go over the general steps to heal leaky gut naturally and fast.

How to Repair Leaky Gut Naturally and Fast

If you go through the Leaky Gut Cure by Karen Brimeyer, you will discover that there is no stone left unturned on how to repair leaky gut naturally. However, the main prerequisites for you to successfully heal leaky gut naturally are patience and discipline. This is because the protocol, steps and processes involved in the natural treatments revolve around removing and avoiding specific foods from your diet that are suspected to aggravate your health disorder, eating the right foods that heal your gut fast, doing light exercises, using leaky gut supplements for quick relief such as l-glutamine and probiotics.

L-glutamine is an important amino acid for proper good gut health function and immune system health. Probiotics, on the other side of the spectrum, can improve the friendly bacteria in your gut and you can find it in some foods such as kefir or yogurt and by ingestion through dietary supplements. Essentially, probiotics will help you to increase nutrients absorption and enhance good digestion.

No matter what Standard American Diet says about healthy foods you can eat, you should be able to study and examine your body chemistry to know what is good for your health. For majority of people mostly patients with autoimmune disorders and diseases, food allergy is a big issue to look out for. What it means is that gluten-containing grains should be avoided like a plague in your diet.    

You have to try as much as you can to avoid processed or refined foods because it contains additives, preservatives, chemicals, etc that are harmful and unhealthy to the body. To this effect, it is important that you take extra care to always read food labels to make sure you are not purchasing the so-called “healthy foods” and then filling and damaging your gut health faster than you can imagine. In addition, I shared some tips on immediate relief for leaky gut and you can read it to learn more on how to repair leaky gut naturally and quickly.

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