Thursday, 30 July 2015

Bone Broth for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Making bone broth for leaky gut syndrome is one of the best ways to heal and seal this chronic health disorder and experience quick relief. If you compare it to other forms of leaky gut diet meal plans, you will discover that it is cheap or inexpensive to prepare. And the best part is that it is simple to make and serve if you have organic bones at your disposal.

Don’t be fooled to think that preparing and serving bone broth is for the poor and needy only. It is not only nutritious but also medicinal as you will discover shortly. It has become an integral part of the process of healing gut dysbiosis.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Before you can really appreciate the importance of bone broth for leaky gut cure, you need to know what this health condition is and how it affects your overall well-being. Leaky gut is simply when the mucosal lining of the digestive tract is compromised through infections, inflammation and damage. It means that the cells lining the gut have opened up beyond what are normal thereby allowing undigested food particles, parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, toxins and other pathogens to gatecrash into the bloodstream. 

When pathogenic agents gain access into the bloodstream, there is bound to be an immune response from the body in order to fight off these foreign invaders. Unfortunately, the immune system may also end up attacking its own tissues in an attempt to ward off these foreign toxins and pathogenic bacteria which are found in the body tissues, cells and organs.

Even if you are not using the Leaky Gut Cure program created by Karen Brimeyer, you can make bone broth by yourself with the simple tips discussed here.

Firstly, you need to undertake leaky gut syndrome test to be sure you actually have the health disorder. Secondly, you have to take concrete steps to heal your gut by following the advice of an expert in increased intestinal permeability treatment and healing. It will make you to be focused.

When you have gut dysbiosis, it also means that there are minerals deficiencies in your body. Taking leaky gut supplements alone may not be sufficient to heal the health disorder as fast you desire. Better yet, bone broth contains lots of trace minerals and amino acids that you cannot readily find elsewhere. You will also find essential compounds such as gelatin and collagen that will nourish your gut and body for good.

You should endeavor to make bone broth for leaky gut as natural as possible by using organic bones. You actually need grass-fed, organic or pastured bones as your main source of the raw materials for the cooking. You can use chicken, beef or pork bones, knuckles, feet, joints and so forth. You have to add small quantity of apple cider vinegar to the broth in order to leach out the minerals in the bones.

You also need a crockpot or stock pot where you can put together all the raw materials to make the bone broth. After putting the bones and the ingredients in the pot, add enough water and bring it to boil. As soon as the scum of the bones are on top of the water, skim them off in order to get absolutely healthy and clean bone broth.

Boil the broth for about 12 to 24 hours before turning off the heat. Allow it to simmer before serving it along with your leaky gut diet or simply drink it as is. If you have enough bone broth to preserve, you can do it using the refrigerator or freezer. You should keep in the refrigerator for only 5 to 7 days and a maximum of 6 months if you are storing it in the freezer.

Making bone broth for leaky gut healing has so many health benefits including boosting your immune system, aiding the easy digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body, healing and sealing the mucosal lining of the digestive tract, fighting off infections and inflammation, to name a few.

All in all, the leaky gut cure ebook created by Karen Brimeyer contains comprehensive diet meal plans in addition to bone broth making tips for healing leaky gut syndrome fast. Always bear in mind that optimal health is a function of good gut health.

Monday, 27 July 2015

How Do I Know if I Have Leaky Gut Syndrome?

How do I know if I have leaky gut syndrome? This is a common question that a lot of online readers who suspect that they have such health condition are asking in order to be sure what exactly their chronic illness is and how to treat it. Well, there are lots of steps you can take to determine if you have “increased intestinal permeability” as it is technically known. But the most common and simplest method that people follow is to look at the symptoms of leaky gut and apply it to their individual cases.

That’s okay but you should take it a step further by conducting leaky gut syndrome test. It will give you double assurance to confirm if you actually have the said health disorder or not. If you read one of the reports created by Karen Brimeyer, which is an interview she did with Dr. Peter Osborne, you will discover that Dr. Osborne emphasized on genetic testing to determine gluten intolerance since it is also at the heart of gut dysbiosis.
From my research so far, I discovered that doctors and alternative health practitioners use different testing methods to do this. My opinion is that it depends mainly on the doctor’s experience and the equipment at his or her disposal. Some of the types of leaky gut testing include mannitol, food allergies, gluten sensitivity or intolerance, and so on.

So, on how to tell if you have leaky gut syndrome, you have to visit a doctor who is an expert in gut dysfunction treatment and listen to his or her advice. Definitely, carrying out a comprehensive lab test will not be far from it. But the following leaky gut syndrome symptoms should help you to have a general idea of what you should expect.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

  • Food allergies

  • Abdominal bloating and pain

  • Migraine headaches

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Low energy

  • Diarrhea

  • Skin rashes

  • Achy joint and muscle pain

  • Depression and stress

  • Excessive runny nose

  • Constipation

Although all the above symptoms of a leaky gut syndrome may not apply to your health condition and concern, you should have it at the back of your mind that your general well-being depends largely on your good gut health.

Karen Brimeyer’s free presentation on the exact process to heal a leaky gut syndrome naturally and holistically will help you to get started on your journey to good gut health. The free presentation will answer the question for you on how do I know if I have leaky gut syndrome.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Bone Broth Health Benefits for Immediate Relief for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Preparing and serving bone broth in your diet will have immediate relieffor leaky gut syndrome plus so many other health benefits such as relieving you of arthritis, joint pain, weak immune system, digestive problems and so on. And the good news is that it is cheap and easy to prepare and serve.

You don’t need expensive condiments to make a tasty and palatable bone broth which you can drink to your health. Best of all, it promotes good digestion as it stabilizes stomach acid as a result of increase in trace minerals which you will derive from bone broth preparation.

In case you don’t know, trace minerals are micro minerals which provide essential nutrients that the body needs for metabolic functions. They can easily be absorbed for the generation of tissue, growth and development, maximum cell stimulation, immunity and reproduction. It includes iron, zinc, silicon, potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, and magnesium, just to mention a few. Additionally, you will find unique substances in bones including gelatin, glycine, collagen, proline, and cartilage.

For gut dysbiosis sufferers who are searching for immediate relief for leaky gut syndrome, preparing and serving bone broth will give you quick relief within 3 days or so because of its instant healing effects. Natural gelatin and broken down cartilage and tendons i.e. glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are also supplied to the diet from bone broth. Gelatin is a hydrophilic colloid which makes minerals to be easily assimilated by the body.

What you should understand about leaky gut syndrome is that it usually leads to several minerals deficiencies in the body if you are suffering from the health disorder. So, the first step in the healing process is to replenish and balance your minerals deficiencies as quickly as possible. By nourishing your body, you are essentially providing the gut with the nutrients it needs to repair the cells that line up the intestinal walls.

Bone broth also contains amino acids. Amino acids with proteins are the essential building blocks for the body.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Natural Constipation Remedies Fast Relief Tips

Constipation is one of the major symptoms of leaky gut syndrome and may also be a hidden precursor of other underlying organic health conditions. But there are plenty of natural constipation remedies fast relief tips which you can apply at home to get an improved health within 12 to 24 hours. But first, let’s understand what constipation is and how it affects your digestive system or any other autoimmune disorders.

What is Constipation?

It can simply be defined or explained in 2 or more ways because this health condition differs from one person to another. It can simply be defined as the passing of hard or lumpy stools which is capable of straining the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor of a sufferer during bowel movements. It could also mean the sensational experience that a person feels when there is incomplete evacuation or anorectal bleeding or simply when you have fewer than 3 bowel movements per week.

Yet another dimension to constipation problem is that you can be constipated without having any of the common symptoms of constipation listed below. In such a situation, your general bowel health disorder is primarily determined by the bowel transit time which is the time it takes for the food you eat to digest in the stomach, absorb food nutrients in the small intestine and then move the waste product to the colon before elimination or evacuation.

It is very important that a chronic sufferer do his best to cure constipation as quickly as possible because it could be secondary to other underlying health conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal obstruction, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, neurological injuries, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and so on.

Causes of Constipation

The causes of constipation are not limited to the list below.

  • Increasing age or old age

  • Pain or drug medications

  • Stress or depression

  • Fiber deficiency

  • Immobility or weakness of the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor

  • Poor diet or eating less

  • Bowel blockage or obstruction

  • Less exercise or physical inactivity

  • Inadequate water or fluid intake

  • Pregnancy

Symptoms of Constipation

  • Faeces or stool with excessive mucus

  • Fever

  • Rectal bleeding

  • Weight loss

  • Change in stool caliber

  • Sharp pain and discomfort in the abdominal muscles during bowel movement

  • Electrolytes imbalance

Natural Constipation Remedies Fast Relief

Because constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal health disorders that a lot of people grapple with worldwide on a daily basis, following Dr. Scott McLeods natural constipation remedies can really help you to experience relief in a matter of 12 to 24 hours.

But before you go to his official website for quick constipation relief at home, you can apply the following general health tips.

  • Eat foods rich in fiber e.g. whole-grain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, wheat bran, dried beans, etc. The normal dietary recommendation is to eat between 25 and 40 grams of dietary fiber per day depending on an individual’s body requirement. Always remember that having the required fiber in your diet will prevent and protect you against severe constipation.

  • Increase your physical activity in order to promote colonic mobility. There is need for an active lifestyle in order to prevent any complications from other chronic illnesses or diseases.

  • Ensure that the required sodium chloride (i.e. salt) is in your diet which you need to maintain electrolytes balance ratio and be able to absorb and utilize water in the body.

  • Train, develop and establish regular bowel routine. It is very important for your general bowel health.

  • Drink plenty of water and/or fluids per day in order to avoid dehydration.

  • Avoid long term use of laxative drugs which may impair the normal functioning of the colon. You should consult with your doctor if you notice any significant changes in your digestive system as a result of drug medications.

The above methods can go a long way to relieve you of constipation naturally. For a comprehensive natural constipation remedies for fast relief straight from a certified pharmacist and doctor who has treated lots of patients successfully, click here to download the ebook on how to cure constipation naturally.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

The Benefits of Exercise in Healing a Leaky Gut Syndrome

Healing a leaky gut syndrome is never a one-size-fits-all by any stretch of the imagination. It requires a number of steps, exercises, sacrifices, change of current lifestyle practices and even modification of your diet in order to have a good gut health and life. If you really want to experience total leaky gut cure and live life to the fullest, you need discipline and commitment to heal your increased intestinal permeability as quickly as possible before it degenerates and gives birth to other chronic illnesses.

So, I will briefly discuss some of the bountiful benefits of exercising which can help you to regain integrity in your gut.

Benefit 1: Exercise Reduces Stress and Depression

One of the major causes of leaky gut is stress. Simply put, stress is emotional or mental strain a person is going through due to domestic, corporate, internal or environmental factors. If you don’t manage it well, stress is a leading killer disease in the world today. Little wonder why it is one of the major causes of leaky gut.

Regularly but moderately exercising your body can go a long way to healing your leaky gut. Let me emphasize it here that I am not talking about rigorous or intense exercises. Not at all! It is simply mild and regular exercises that can stimulate your nervous system and increase your energy levels. The Leaky Gut Cure program creator, Karen Brimeyer, succinctly explained this topic in her ebook and you can learn more from it here.

Exercise can also help you to improve the symptoms of depression and mood swings generally because it stimulates the release of pain-relieving endorphins in your body.

Benefit 2: Exercise Helps to Release Toxins Out of Your Body

When your digestive system is impaired and leaking, there is also a high probability that your body tissues and cells are overloaded with toxins. Toxic waste or materials are contributory factors to autoimmune disorders. A simple work out or exercise will perform wonders in releasing these harmful chemicals from your body.

Twenty or thirty minutes’ moderate exercise is just enough to start you off on the leaky gut healing process.

Benefit 3: Exercise Improves Good Digestion

A good gut health is synonymous with good digestion and that is the goal of doing everything possible to heal the digestive tract of any inflammation, infections, damage, and leakage and then balance the gut flora. Exercising regularly but moderately will promote good digestion because physical activity has the tendency to relieve you of chronic constipation and enthrone normal bowel movements.

As you may be aware, constipation is one of the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome which you have to get rid of during the increased intestinal hyper-permeability healing protocol.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Top Facts About Leaky Gut Syndrome Which You Must Know

If long term health is important to you, the following top 10 facts about leaky gut syndrome will open your eyes and mind to the reasons why you should take the issue of your gut health seriously. It is a simple way to discover how increased intestinal permeability may be the cause of many ailments and/or autoimmune disorders you have been battling with to treat or cure.

Your overall health depends largely on the health of your gut. Your gut is resident to 70 to 80 percent of your body’s immune system. If something goes wrong or amiss with your digestive system, sooner or later your general health will suffer it and be in serious jeopardy.

Gut dysbiosis or leaky gut syndrome is the mother of almost all autoimmune conditions, namely celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and so on. To this end, it is imperative you discover how to cure leaky gut forever and maintain a sound health in your body. Don’t you think it will be a miracle for you to heal a health disorder like gut dysbiosis and then witness other diseases in your body which you have been battling with gradually disappear and go into remission?

Leaky gut syndrome is mainly caused by infections, inflammation and damage done to the lining of the small intestine. This can happen in so many ways such as when you overuse drugs especially antibiotics. If you have been using antibiotics for a long period of time, you need to have a rethink. In this case, you have to use probiotics and leaky gut supplements to restore and balance your gut flora.

The foods you are eating may be the source of your ill health especially if it is laden with gluten. Gluten-containing grains and foods are potential hazards to your gut health which you have to eliminate from your leaky gut diet food list. Wheat, barley, rye, etc are few examples of grains that contain gliadin. Gliadin is one of gluten proteins which are not easy to digest in the system. In a nutshell, eat non-inflammatory foods in order to restore your gut health over time in addition to lifestyle changes and regular but moderate exercises.

There are so many factors at play that can exacerbate your leaky gut syndrome. For instance, constant use of alcohol, antibiotics, and eating gluten-rich foods, etc are some of the worst culprits.

Regular but mild exercise can work out toxin overload from your tissues. Thirty minutes daily exercise is not a bad idea to start with.

Food allergies including gluten sensitivity can activate your immune system to respond and attack its own tissues. Over a period of time, this may degenerate to the whole gamut of autoimmune conditions especially when you have long term inflammation in your cells, tissues and organs of the body.

Your bloodstream should only be home to nutrients which the cells and tissues of your body need for nourishment and survival. But in a situation where your bloodstream is now infiltrated with bad bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, and other pathogenic agents, it means your gut is leaky and needs restoration and healing.

Understanding tight junctions and zonulin and how they affect the lining of your small intestine is also important in the effective treatment of leaky gut syndrome. Overproduction and oversupply of zonulin in the gastrointestinal tract will open up the tight junctions between the cells beyond what is normal. This is when parasites, undigested food particles, gluten, viruses, bad bacteria, etc will gain access into the blood stream and have free rein which is harmful.

Gut dysbiosis or increased intestinal permeability which is popularly known as leaky gut syndrome can be cured forever using natural and holistic treatment methods which is clearly explained in detail in the Leaky Gut Cure program. All you need is the mindset and discipline to follow a holistic dietary modifications and lifestyle changes that are suggested to fully repair and restore your gut flora and health generally.