Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The Fastest Way of Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome Naturally

As you will discover shortly, the fastest way of healing leaky gut syndrome naturally and holistically is to follow a simple protocol that will help you to repair, heal and restore the lining of your digestive tract as quickly as possible to its status quo because a leaky gut is a damaged gut.

If you do a simple search online, you will found out different and unique leaky gut protocols developed by specialist doctors, naturopaths, functional medicine practitioners, nutritionists and even ex-sufferers who have successfully treated and healed this chronic health disorder called increased intestinal permeability.  

However, a good leaky gut protocol must include a process of removing offending foods from your diet and making changes to your habits or lifestyle which are capable of damaging the gut further, eating foods which can heal the lining of the intestinal walls, repairing and healing the already damaged digestive system with natural leaky gut supplements and balancing your gut flora with probiotics. With discipline and patience, following the above steps to achieve a good gut health in a matter of weeks is very possible.

Karen Brimeyer Leaky Gut Cure program succinctly shows you the process of healing leaky gut syndrome naturally, holistically and permanently without any fuss. Click here to watch the free presentation of how to start the healing process. But to give you a general idea of what you will learn about fixing gut dysbiosis for good, you have to understand that you will stop eating the many so-called “healthy foods” commonly found in health shops and food stores. These foods are actually doing more harm than good to your body generally and your digestive system specifically.

The overall idea of healing leaky gut syndrome naturally is to nourish your body with the diet plans that will no longer compromise or irritate the digestive tract lining while steps are being taken to repair, heal, seal and restore your gut health. For example, in my previous post on gluten and leaky gut, I explained clearly why avoiding gluten-containing grains and foods such as wheat, barley and rye can help you to fix your chronic illness sooner rather than later. The protein component in these types of grains is difficult to digest in the stomach and absorb in the small intestine into the bloodstream.
The foods that are not easily digestible and absorbed in the small intestine can cause irritation, inflammation and damage to the lining of the digestive tract. If the intestinal mucosa is compromised, it means that the tight junctions between the cells will forcefully open up and allow pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream because of the production of excess zonulin.

The effect of this is the ability of a whole gamut of undigested food particles, viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc seeping through into the bloodstream without the usual barrier function which supposed to debar these foreign invaders from finding their way into the bloodstream. Definitely, there will be immune response when the immune system notices foreign bodies in the bloodstream, tissues, cells and organs of the body. The best bet is to eliminate or avoid foods that your body is intolerant to.

Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Although healing leaky gut syndrome naturally is important to you right now, you will also do yourself a world of good to know what causes it. This will help you to sustain permanent remission after healing and sealing your poor gut health.

The following list is some of the causes of leaky gut syndrome:  

-Poor diet
-Chronic stress and depression
-Chronic constipation
-Overgrowth of yeasts and bad bacteria in the bowel
-Long use and/or overuse of antibiotics because it destroys the good bacteria in the gut
-Toxins overload present in the digestive system and bloodstream
-Undigested food particles

If you are not sure if you are suffering from this health condition or how to cure it, read about signs of a leaky gut problem, conduct a leaky gut test for confirmation and finally download a comprehensive ebook on healing leaky gut syndrome naturally from here.

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